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作者: 澳门博彩网站 来源: 未知 时间: 2011-11-21 阅读: 博彩趣文


  Punto banco,百家乐十一点,百家乐 banque。

  在百家乐游戏中,主要是庄家与玩家之间牌点的比较。在游戏过程中,可以有三种可能出现的结果。“玩家”(玩家得分最高)或“庄家”(庄家分数最高)或“和局”。在百家乐游戏中,2至9之间的纸牌与牌面的值相等。而10,S J,Q,K没有任何牌点。王牌算一点。当总牌点值超过10时,那么第一个数字被忽略,最右边的值则算实际的牌点。所以,如果纸牌的值,如6和9,那么总的牌点数是5(6+9=15,最后一个数字是5值)。然后将玩家和庄家手中的牌点相比,点值更好的一方胜出。


  译文Introduction to Baccarat gameBaccarat has been one of the most famous casino games of all times. The simplicity of the game is the main factor that has attracted many people from all around the world. Baccarat game played with cards and is available at all the casinos in the world and even on all the online casino websites. This card game is similar to the Faro and Basset. The baccarat has got three variants which are as follows:

  Punto banco,Baccarat chemin de fer,Baccarat banque.

  In Baccarat game, a comparison is made between the hands of the banker and the player. There can be three possible outcomes during the game. Either the “player” (the hand of player scores the highest) or the “banker” (the hand of the banker scores the highest) or a “tie”。 In the game of baccarat, the cards between 2 to 9 are worth the face value. 10s J, Q, K don’t have any value. Aces have one point. When the total value exceeds 10 then the first digit is ignored and the rightmost value is concerned. So, if the value of cards goes like 6 and 9 then the value attained will be 5 (6+9=15, as the last digit is taken so 5 is the value)。 Then the hands of the players and the dealers are compared and the person with better hands wins the round.

  Millions of people all around the world love to play baccarat online. This game is simple to play as the rules of the game remains the same. Playing online baccarat games can be fun and the simplicity of the game can make even the beginners to win loads of money. As stated earlier the simplicity of the game has baccarat popular and so this game has a high demand which has made the online casinos to provide this game to the people all around the world and even a beginner can win baccarat easily provided that he follows some basic baccarat strategies.